
This section provides planning issues which will affect Hyde Heath

The council has approved the Delivery Development Plan Document which includes the to removal Hyde Heath from the Green Belt. 

Residents are encouraged to express their views to the Delivery Development Plan Document: Public Participation. The more residents who respond the better. The deadline for responding is: 7th June 2013

Responding to the Public Participation


The full Public Participation Document and related documents can be downloaded from  Any comments should be made in writing by completing the Delivery Development Plan Public Participation Document Response Form and accompanying Equalities Monitoring Form.

Submissions can be sent by email to or alternatively by post to: Planning Policy Team, Chiltern District Council, King George V House, King George V Road, Amersham, Bucks, HP6 5AW

Summary of Change

The changes affecting Hyde Heath are summarised below from the following Delivery Development Plan Document document.

GB4 Areas:

Within GB4 areas the Chiltern District Local Plan Policy GB4 allows limited infilling – infilling is defined as ‘the construction of one or two dwelling(s) in a small gap in an existing row of dwellings and other substantial buildings which form an otherwise fully developed frontage to a road.’

Proposals Map Sheet/Plan Nos.

Location/Road Name



Reason for possible change


Link to 11C Map - Page 82

Hyde Heath - The common /School area



This is a potential new area. Having looked at the area it is considered that some infill potential exists. This area would be adjacent to the larger Hyde Heath village area. The area suggested includes the built area of Hyde Heath School and a haulage yard which has been granted an established use as such. It is suggested that this area is made a new GB4 infill area. 

Link to 11C Map


Link to 11D Map - Page 83

Hyde Heath - Bullbaiters Lane


This area was investigated as a potential GB4 area. However, to allow infilling would change the character of the area (large uniform plots in the Chilterns AONB) and therefore it is not considered suitable to designation. 

GB5 Areas:

Within GB5 areas the Local Plan Policy GB5 allows limited infilling as defined in Policy GB4 and the development of a small parcel of land which is defined as ‘land in existing authorised or established residential use which is totally or substantially enclosed by existing residential development, including dwellings and not just their curtilages’.





Reason for possible change

Hyde Heath - Whole village

Link to GB5 Hyde Heath Map - Page 128

Keep part of area as new GB4 and remove remainder of area from the Green Belt


Hyde heath is another village made up of a series of streets the newer streets give scope for more back land development which would fall outside the definition of limited infilling and as such it is suggested that the majority of the village is removed from the Green Belt. However, one row of dwellings fronting Chalk lane has no back land potential and therefore it is suggested that this area is retained in the Green Belt and established as a new GB4 infill settlement. One slight amendment is suggested to the area to include the whole of a residential cartilage currently split by the GB5 designated area boundary.