Committee members: Andrew Creighton, Andrew Cordiner; Charles Manson, George
Thackray, Walid Marzouk as Stand-in Secretary and Stephen Burke as Stand-in Chairman
Apologies for absence from Steven Bates and Chairman Raymond Challinor. Apologies also
from Eric Clark and Keith Glasspoole
Members: Archie and Rosemary McNair, Jill Bowman, Mike Smith and Ron Stevens
County Councillor Tricia Birchley was welcomed as a visiting guest.
1- Minutes of the previous 2015 AGM were approved
2- Matters arising
George Thackray informed everyone that unfortunately RayChallinorhas been unwell. All
expressed their concernand wished Ray a speedy recovery.
3- Finance (George)
The December 2015 year-end balance was £ 577.
4- Election of Committee members (Stephen)
Charles Manson, Andrew Creighton and Walid Marzouk resigned. Charles and Andrew were
re-elected in accordance with the Constitution.
Due to being co-opted recently as a Councillor for Little Missenden Parish Council (Holmer
Green ward), Walid decided not to be re-elected to the committee in order to avoid any
potential conflict of interest. Walid agreed to continue working on the speed and parking
project.He will transfer responsibility fully by the end of March after discussion with
Stephen Burke on his return from holiday.
Change in Committee Officers:
New officers elected in absence are:
Keith Glasspoole elected as Secretary
Eric Clark elected as a Committee member
Steve Bates to continue as Webmaster,become responsible for Membership and to stepdown as Secretary
5- Village Group Membership (Walid)
Membership has grown nicely in 2016 and still significant potential awaits HHVS. Strong non organic growth can be achieved by talking to people and encouraging them to join
The Constitution says Membership is open to any individual or organisation interested in
promoting the Objects.The AGM supported a new policy to encourage Hyde Heath Village
Organisationsto become members and to nominate arepresentative to the Committee. So
far 3 organisations have been invited and nominated representatives:
Cricket Club: John Capper
Village Shop: Chris Sargeant
Village Hall: David Coulton
Members from the village suggested that HHVS should invite the WI.
6-HS2 (Andrew Cordiner [ACO])
A major danger resulting from the HS2 tunnel construction is damage to the underlying
ACO expressed a lot ofconcern over what appears to be a deliberate action by HS2 to
remove all liability from HS2 for the terrible design which they have put forward and
transfer it onto their contractors and Local Government, leaving them without any liability
for their actions. It is precisely why the HS2 CEO departed and why the HS2 Chairman is
desperate to depart! The liability for the inadequate design of this project is huge. This
strategy is unashamedly and implicitly in the wording in the Bill.
ACO has already advised Bucks CC that their officers, councillors and Executive are leaving
themselves open to criminal liability in addition to civil liability. The distinction is civil liability is covered by the council’s public liability insurance (albeit AQCO would argue that this is amodifiable event to their insurers - yet to be tested). The personal liability is criminal under the Corporate Manslaughter Act, and while there are exclusions, the law has been tested and does include persons of known mind operating in a public capacity if their actions are negligent or knowingly negligent.
Intensified Traffic issues associated with increasing traffic on single track sunken lanes as a
consequence of HS2 works would certainly be captured were there to be an incident. There
are a great many across Buckinghamshire and all authorities affected by the route of HS2.
The Council was warned that they are being placed and knowingly placing themselves in this position.
By stating and accepting that HS2 Ltd would not study certain roads as it is a remote
consequence of their works, the Council officers became responsible.
The Council is acting unwisely on this matter and accepting Qualifying Authority status will
force every taxpayer in Buckinghamshire to hold them criminally liable for actions of HS2 Ltd or HS2’s contractors!
ACO’s input [as always of the highest quality in terms of articulation, precision and clarity]
was noted and appreciated by County Councillor Tricia Birchley and those present. ACO’s
ongoing support for so many projects,including supporting little Missenden Parish Council, is highly appreciated and noted by the stand-in Chairman and all the members present –Thank you Andy.
Councillor Birchley reported that HS2 Ltd do not have an answer the impact of co9nstuction
traffic on the limited capacity of the A413, particularly in the light of the growing traffic
volumes journeying to and from Aylesbury.
7- Village issues
Speeding (Walid)
With the help of Parish/County Council coupled with strong support from Villagers and Hyde
Heath Village Organisations,the budget has been approved for a PVAS (permanent vehicle
activation system- otherwise known as a flashing slow down sign). The purchase will be
completed soon and installation shortly after.
Two units of School 20 MPH signs and lights as well as white lines on most of Weedon
Hill/Hyde Heath Road have been budgeted for. This has already been through so many
technical and bureaucratic approval loops that you could ever imagine and we are nearly
The final approval step will be presented at the LAF(Local Area Forum) meeting in March
which is chaired by County Councillor Tricia Birchley and LAF Vice Chairman Jeff Dominy
who is Chairman of Little Missenden Parish Council. We have their support and we are
optimistic that we will receive their approval but the final approval of the amount allocated
will depend on our ability to locally raise 50% (about £8,500).
Walid will be writing to Villagers and meeting with Village Organisations to raise funds.
Parking (Walid & Andy Cordiner)
Several options were considered and we finally opted for a request to release common land.
This is a complex and very long process of up to 2 years with some costs associated. But long term it is the only suitable solution if it receives approval.
A meeting has taken place with CDC planning and the process has commenced with informal discussion held between ACO and Open Space Society.
ACO commented that discussion with Open Space was useful and there may be a need to
add a community recreational element to the project to facilitate its passage.
The fact that the Cricket Club has a lease on part of the common may make it easier for
some use modification. It was agreed to draw up a plan and start public consultation.
[Franklin’s Yard is being used for the collection of garden waste, old furniture and cars] the
planning permit for Franlin’s yard only allows it to be used for building materials. Stephen
advised that LMPC needs to bring this to Diana Varley’s attention so that an enforcement
team is created.
Franklin’s Yard
Ron Stevens (a resident and HHVS member), has issues with parking on the dirt road by the school and the use of Franklin’sYard, which can no longer be considered as in keeping with the village.
Improving Mobile reception – Steve Bates
This is a new project suggested by Walid and agreed in principle by HVSS. As it is in Steve’s
area of expertise he is following up with BT and others but he was not available to report
8- Any Other Business
A draft Newsletter updating members will be prepared by Walid before the end of February
Litter Pick
A LitterPick 2017 was discussed and 22nd April 2017 set as thedate. Charles Manson is the
responsible organiser. Charles suggested that a second Litter Pick might be needed in
Caravan parked on a plot of land after Bullbaiters Lane [to the left] continues to frustrate
HHVS. This has gone one for more than two and a half years.Three consecutive people,
including Walid and Stephen, have not succeeded in making any progress
Due to the complete failure of CDC reinforcement department. The matter remains an open
Fly Tipping
Andrew Creighton reported that fly tipping continues on Chalk Lane near the railway bridge.
Stephen agreed to contact CDC for action (Clearance and a sign warningabout Fines)
The meeting ended at 9:30 PM without agreeing a date for the next meeting.Everyone
declaredmassive appreciation for everything that Ray has done for the village over many
years, to the extent that at one stage the local papers called him Father of Hyde
Heath.Everyone wishes Ray a speedy recovery and to see him back chairing HHVS.
WM 6 Feb 2017